Tagged: Internet


Discover your Web

It’s easy to get bored quickly if we keep doing the same thing again and again. Like chatting, social networking, emailing, etc etc. The Internet is getting boring and the results of search engines...


The world of Loner’s

The Internet, the place for ultimate virtuality is making our life lonelier than ever. The rising trends of internet users can have serious implications on health. Studies shows that people spend more time on...



 We love changes. We do multi-tasking.


The Internet is making us ‘Stupid’

It’s official now, the Internet is making us stupid. Internet has just been there for around 20 years , life without it is hard to imagine. It has given us instant access to vast...


Virtual Suicide

I am feeling very sleepy today(woke up at 6[in the freezing cold]. You know why. **Wink**). So, I am gonna make it simple and ofcourse short. Who wants to die? Raise your hands. Come...


Is the Internet answer to all our queries?

The world has changed. This has been possible because of thousands of new inventions and the reliability to use them efficiently. But one inventions has changes the entire perspective of the Human race …...