Its more than….a Love Story : Part 4

Part 1 : The Beginning
Part 2 : The Proposal
Part 3 : The First Meeting

It’s more than Love

Love Story

When Love is in the air, we tend to forget the universe. The only one we see is our partner. Everything starts mattering to us. Even the falling of leaves seems wonderful. Even the chirping of birds is so soothing. Even the coldest of nights feels warm. Days passes in knowing the other, little by little. Trust grows mount by mount. Time goes in figuring your life and feeling it graced.

Love is not about getting what we want but it’s about letting the other breathe in your space. Love is about sharing our greatest fears. Tarun and Aarti where going through this phase of transition. Days passed by, months passed by, even years passed by. Despite the small fights sometimes over unimportant issues, everything else was smooth. Fights are important in a relationship according to him; they make us realize the importance of the other. Not only that, they also bring us closer. Imagine a day when we fight with our loved ones, everything feels disgusted. But it sooths us and makes us feel better when things get clearer and issues are dumped.

Love Story

It’s important to pour your heart out when something important happens. Tarun and Aarti tried their best to talk about their daily life’s, the people who mattered etc. They seem so perfect for each other. Molding themselves with the other. They kept on meeting each other at the slightest opportunity and their bond kept hardening.

Love Story

The other thing that mattered to Aarti was her college and the ongoing pressure to perform in the rat race. She had a tough time with her professors. She would discuss her situation with him. But he could seldom do anything. All she wanted was to be the best in her field and he would support in whatever ways he could.

In the mean while, Tarun met Aarti’s family and friends on one of his visits to Dehradun. They become his family and friends. Tarun and Aarti would spend hours on the when, whys, how’s, what’s of her family. At some point of the time his own family has not been so close to him as her. Living away from home made perfect sense.

Watch out for the next part : Is Love everything?

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Rohit Dassani

Rohit Dassani is one of the top culinary reviewer on Zomato/TripAdvisor for the last 5years. By profession he is a IT Professional who escapes to world of food whenever he gets a chance. You can reach him via contact page or email!

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22 Responses

  1. Magali says:

    I know it’s not related to the post that much, but I love the first picture. Because it’s light photography!!

  2. Yemiledu says:

    Loved it 🙂
    When in love everything is beautiful and wonderful.
    And yes,Love is everything!!

  3. Cursed♪♫ says:

    These pictures are so cute 🙂
    Waiting for the next part!!

  4. Urvashi says:

    hey Rohit,Liked ur opening paragraph where u described love n feelings felt when in love………. waiting 4 next 🙂

  5. @Magali: Ahhaaa you like light photography..nice 🙂 There are more to come!!

  6. @Yemiledu : Yes thats true…..thank u….lets c if love is everything? Keep guessing……. 🙂

  7. @Juhi : yes thank u so much…..i will try to get more cute pictures….. 🙂 🙂 🙂

  8. @Urvashi : Thank you… see what all happens in love,…. :-O

  9. Tangerine says:

    Lovely story 🙂
    And the photographs are amazing too!!

  10. @Tangerine : Thank you so much!!

  11. sulagna says:

    ohh when you are in love,even the rusted old lampost at the corner of the street makes you feel “nice” 🙂

    by the way i loveddd the pics..

    PS: Aquafina guy is a series of my “fantasy man”

  12. @Sulagna : True True…thank u….
    Fantasy man?? Ok …. :-O

  13. VENNILLA says:

    Hi.. I just visited ur blog.. It sounds Great.. Hope u too will Visit my blog..

  14. Escapist says:

    Oh all the delineations are very interesting….interesting blog.


  15. @Venilla : Thank You.I have already visited your. 🙂

    @Escapist : Thank you, thank you. I am so glad you came by!! 🙂

  16. JyotiAjay says:

    as the saying goes,love is blind.photographs r beautiful,frm whr u get these?they r really cooolll…

  17. @Jyoti : Love is indeed blind….+other things too!! Oh i have sources…its called the internet…if you start searching you can even find God….!! Thank You…more to come!! 🙂

  18. Gyanban says:

    As the cliche is blind and marriage an eye opener, keeping the variables fixed while taking a decision is important,but it is easier said than done.
    good post.

  19. hey dear hw ru doing?
    I need ur help… plz comment, follow and promote this blog,… I have just 3 hours fr promotion and its a competition… 🙂


  20. hi rohit
    hw r u?
    its been quite long since i last commented..
    sorry i was busy with the studies :))

  21. @Gyanban : Yes i know everything seems so good from outside but only when your part of it you know its real value. Thankzzz

    @Deepika : I am fine, hope your fine too…seems very busy with your studies. Anyways all done madam. 🙂

    @Chocolate_lover : I am good…how abt u? Its ok…studies keeping everyone busy around here…there are a few exceptions ofcourse!! thank you for coming here!! 🙂

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